Helpful Tips for a Bug-Free Yard

Bug-free yard- a beautiful place to gather in a backyard

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Creating a bug-free yard may sound impossible. And in simple terms, it is. Because insects and other critters are essential to the balance of outdoor ecosystems, you don’t want to eliminate every bug from your yard.

However, there are certainly a few species you want to watch out for and discourage from infesting your outdoor space. They can carry disease and cause harm to you, your family, and your pests.

JB Pest Control knows you want to be able to enjoy your time playing and relaxing in the fresh air. That’s why we guide you through the difference between the beneficial bugs versus the more hazardous pests.

Continue reading to discover what bugs you want out of your yard and how you can prevent them from being attracted to your home.

Why Would You Want a Bug-Free Yard?

It may be better for the bugs to be in your yard rather than inside your home. However, having a bug-free yard sounds like a dream if you and your family spend much of your time outside.

Perhaps you have children you want to keep safe from the bites and stings of ants and wasps. Or maybe you have precious pets to protect from ticks and fleas. Also, pests lurking in your yard can destroy gardens, too.

And no matter what, the presence of creepy crawlers outside leads to the possibility of indoor infestations. So, it’s no wonder you are looking to make your outdoor space bug-free.

Boy is bitten by a bug- Bug-free yard

What Bugs Are Beneficial for Your Yard?

On the other hand, several critters are beneficial to your backyard. These insects will consume pests, pollinate your flowers, and balance the ecosystem. For these reasons, you certainly don’t want to eliminate and discourage all bugs from your outdoor spaces.

Some of the most beneficial creatures to have in your yard include:

  • Ladybugs
  • Bees
  • Harmless Spiders


The Ladybug is a prime example of a harmless insect you may want to encourage in your yard. Especially if you have a garden plagued by plant-destroying aphids. Ladybugs consume aphids and other small, destructive bugs, like potato beetles, whiteflies, and even fleas.

Suppose your backyard isn’t yet abundant with helpful ladybugs. In that case, you can welcome them by providing water, shelter, and their favorite things to eat. Plus, there are online platforms where you can order ladybugs to release in the garden.


Unless you have a family member who is highly allergic to bee stings, bees are the perfect pollinators to keep your yard lush and colorful. They fly from flower to flower, spreading pollen. In turn, the flowers can grow and sustain many generations. In fact, in a yard or garden without beneficial bees, your plants and flowers will not survive.

If you are worried about the presence of bees due to their ability to harm pets or children, keep in mind that they won’t attack unless they feel threatened or their nests are disturbed. Simply informing your children of what not to do if they see a bee can keep them safe.

It’s also helpful to remember that bees, wasps, and hornets are entirely different insects. Wasps and hornets are more aggressive and dangerous to have in the yard. But bees, like honeybees, bumblebees, and solitary bee species are excellent to have around and far less likely to sting.


The majority of spiders you may discover in your backyard are harmless. They may appear just as creepy as dangerous species like the Black Widow and Brown Recluse spiders. However, most spiders will not harm humans.

Instead, they trap and consume nuisance pests like houseflies and mosquitos. They may not be preferred indoors but having them in your yard will get rid of the critters you want out.

What Pests Are Not Welcomed?

When working towards a bug-free yard, the first thing you’ll need to do is identify unwelcome pests. These bugs may be notorious for making their way into your home, spreading disease, or perhaps destroying valuable plants.

The following pests are excellent examples of the types you’ll want to discourage from dwelling in your yard:


Although ants are necessary to the balance of some ecosystems, in excessive amounts, they bring loads of trouble. If your family enjoys backyard sports like soccer or football games, it only takes a single step to destroy an ant mount and release thousands of angry ants. The stings and bites from ants can leave a human with painful bumps and non-stop itching for days. And aggressively scratching these welts will likely lead to a skin infection.

Not to mention, when ant populations succeed and grow in numbers, they’ll need to find new food sources and nesting locations. It’s possible for the colonies to find their way into your home through the tiniest openings and gaps. Soon enough, you have an indoor ant infestation, which often proves difficult to control and eliminate.


Nothing ruins a relaxing evening in your backyard like a swarm of mosquitos. These flying insects do not need to be disturbed to attack. In fact, consuming blood from humans and other animals is necessary for survival. Females are unable to reproduce without a full belly of blood.

So, when they invade your yard, there’s no escaping them without the use of sprays, chemicals, and specialized candles. Still, this isn’t always enough to keep them away. Unfortunately, you’re left with no other option but to spend the rest of the night indoors.

Not only are their bites annoying and itchy, but they can potentially carry some of the most dreaded diseases, like:

  • West Nile Virus
  • Zika Virus
  • Yellow Fever

Fleas and Ticks

Two of the most problematic pests in your yard are fleas and ticks. These stealthy bugs are masters at hiding away in bushes and latching onto any warm body that comes near. More specifically, ticks wait on a branch or leaf for you or your pet to bush up against it. Then, they’ll find a location on your body to pierce and stay attached, consuming blood for as long as possible.

Fleas can leap great distances to hitchhike on the nearest animal. And instead of latching onto one location for an extended period, they will bite in many spots on the body.

Both fleas and ticks are undoubtedly the kind of pests you want to eliminate when working towards a bug-free backyard. Their bites can become infected, and they can carry several illnesses and parasites hazardous to the health of you and your pets, including but not limited to:

  • Bubonic plague
  • Tapeworm
  • Lyme Disease
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
a woman putting bug spray on her legs- Bug-free yard

How Can You Make Your Yard Bug-Free?

Now that you are aware of the threats many different critters can pose to you, your family, and your precious pets, you’re likely eager to know how to keep them out of your yard. Luckily, you can implement many prevention methods to create a bug-free space. Or, more accurately, free of risky pests that may inflict harm.

Tips for Preventing Unwanted Pests

  • Most insects are highly attracted to bright white lights. Switch out your white outdoor lighting with yellow or another warm hue.
  • Eliminate pools of water in the yard that attract moisture-loving pests and those who lay their eggs in water, like mosquitos and some fly species.
  • Keep your grass cut short and prevent the overgrowth of bushes and other vegetation.
  • Use citronella candles, torches, and similar devices to deter mosquitos and flies.
  • Treat your pets with monthly tick and flea medications to prevent them from contracting the life-threatening diseases and parasites they carry.
  • Incorporate specific plants like lavender, rosemary, garlic, and lemongrass. These and several other plant species are excellent for naturally discouraging pests from nesting in your yard.

Have a Bug-Free Yard with JB Pest Control

Preventing pests is just one step towards a bug-free backyard. Suppose your home is already surrounded by ant colonies, hidden ticks, and fleas, or swarmed by mosquitoes. In that case, you’ll need a trusted team of professionals to remove the creepy crawlers.

And JB Pest Control is here to help. We know the importance of protecting your family and animals from pain-inflicting and disease-transmitting bugs. That’s precisely why we do what we do.

If you want your yard to be bug-free, reach out to the experts at JB Pest Control today for excellent customer service and efficient pest elimination.

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